Microfinance Focus, February 8, 2012: In a publication released by the Yale School of Management, Yale faculty - Dean Karlan, Tony Sheldon, and Rodrigo Canales discuss the problems and the promise in the field of microfinance and the lessons for other kinds of social enterprise.

The Cabinet of Sudan approved recommendations presented in a report by Dr. Mohamed Khair Al-Zubair to create a robust microfinance industry.

Despite all the current sometimes emotional debates on the lack of evidence on its impact and on a possible crisis, Micro-Finance (MF) has undergone a tremendous evolution in intellectual and practical terms. In practical terms Micro-Finance has evolved into a diverse multi-billion dollar industry.

Microfinance is a growing phenomenon in many countries. However, each country has its own distinct way of practicing microfinance suitable to their economy and society.

Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) could learn from the traditional moneylenders how to be more effective in lending to the poor.





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